Inversion by Lily and Generoso Fierro. $25, 92 pages, color, perfect bound
Another exciting release from Lily and Generoso Fierro, continuing their thoughtful and unique use of the comics form that we saw with their earlier release Vessel. Here is an excerpt from a Ryan Carey review of this work: "Sure, there are any number of comics where standard rules of logic and narrative linearity simply don't apply, but not many of those concern themselves with the power imbalance of researcher/subject inherent in the scientific method, fewer still make explorations of such their "raison d'etre," and EVEN fewer still set such stories (however vaguely and inferentially) within the broader trappings and tropes of the futurist sci-fi subgenre. Add into the mix page layouts that disregard conventional panel sizing and often even panel GRIDS, nominally Lynchian recurring symbolism, and a quasi-POETIC approach to both narrative and visual construction and execution, and it becomes pretty clear that we're dealing with TWO people who share a SINGULAR vision for their work."